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Miss Brynlee Rain Jessop {Meridian, ID Child Photographer}

This shoot was probably the most bittersweet session that I have ever done. Growing up I always wanted a big family. When I had met my husband I told him I wanted 4-6 kids and HE said 4 sounded good but not more than that! We had our first three kids really close together and every pregnancy was very difficult for me to endure physically, hormonally, and emotionally. After three kids, alot of situations arose in our family that made it so that we thought we had no choice but to be done with having kids. Luckily we were graced with our sweet Brinny that completed our family. Dave and I have never been big "baby" people and enjoy when the kids can talk to us and have more interaction. For whatever reason, Bryn has made us BABY people and have just loved having a baby. So when our sweet Brynlee Rain decided to go turn one on us so fast, it was very bittersweet. She was actually quite the diva for her shoot because she was cutting some teeth, but thankfully it was ALL worth it and I am SO happy with how her pictures turned out. I am so sad that we will never have a baby again but also thrilled that Dave and I can start our new chapter in our lives with no more babies and most importantly not EVER having to be pregnant again!!! WOOO to the HOO! Oh and on a side note, not that it was spectacular or even somewhat great, but I DID make her cake. If you know my baking skills, and zero cake decorating skills, you would be borderline impressed. I turned out better in my head but I am proud that I made a somewhat fancy cake.

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All Images or Copyrighted by Erica Jessop Photography

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